Hawksbill Turtle Rescue by Jules Tamaariki

Jules, President of Te Ara O Te Onu ( the Cook Islands sea turtle society) and owner of Ariki Adventures, along with the Ministry of Marine Resources and the Te Are Manu vet clinic have in the past 18 months been involved in the rescue of a critically endangered Hawksbill sea turtle. The turtle [...]

By |2024-05-20T14:51:14+13:00April 25th, 2024|Cook Islands, Wildlife|Comments Off on Hawksbill Turtle Rescue by Jules Tamaariki

25 Cool Facts about the Cook Islands by Chris Taylor

There’s no place quite like the Cook Islands from its rich Polynesian culture reflected in the traditions of its fifteen islands to the archipelago’s reputation as a bedazzling world-renowned holiday destination. The only thing not “cool” about the Cook Islands is the weather. Here are some cool facts about this little piece of heaven [...]

By |2024-05-20T14:52:23+13:00April 22nd, 2024|Cook Islands|Comments Off on 25 Cool Facts about the Cook Islands by Chris Taylor

Weddings in Paradise by Lizzie Brandon

The Cook Islands is the perfect setting to bring your fairy tale dreams to life, writes Lizzie Brandon Picture the scene. An expansive white sandy beach, glistening crystal clear waters, gently lapping the shore. Beneath an archway of hibiscus flowers, the bride and groom, sun-kissed and barefoot, smile nervously as they declare their love [...]

By |2024-05-20T14:52:56+13:00April 19th, 2024|Cook Islands, Weddings|Comments Off on Weddings in Paradise by Lizzie Brandon

Rarotonga an alluring speck in a mighty ocean by Vern Walker

Depending on how one prefers to interpret history, the name given to the Cook Islands could be considered a wee bit of a misnomer. Because Captain James Cook never actually landed on the most significant island: Rarotonga. But he did set foot on a number of tiny atolls. Another dip into history: in reverence [...]

By |2024-05-20T14:53:33+13:00April 18th, 2024|Cook Islands, Rarotonga|Comments Off on Rarotonga an alluring speck in a mighty ocean by Vern Walker

Water Wonderland in Paradise by Claire McErlane

An English backpacker turned Aussie travel agent, Claire McErlane hosted many tours to the Cook Islands, having fallen in love with the destination on her first visit. She eventually moved here with her husband, bringing their rescue ‘fur babies’ with them. A self-confessed ‘Cooks’ addict, Claire now runs a tourism marketing agency here in [...]

By |2024-05-20T14:54:09+13:00April 18th, 2024|Cook Islands, Things to do|Comments Off on Water Wonderland in Paradise by Claire McErlane

Things to See and Do by Claire McErlane

An English backpacker turned Aussie travel agent, Claire McErlane hosted many tours to the Cook Islands, having fallen in love with the destination on her first visit. She eventually moved here with her husband, bringing their rescue ‘fur babies’ with them. A self-confessed ‘Cooks’ addict, Claire now runs a tourism marketing agency here in [...]

By |2024-05-20T14:54:53+13:00April 18th, 2024|Cook Islands, Things to do|Comments Off on Things to See and Do by Claire McErlane
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